Sunday, August 17, 2008

More Anniversary

Inside the Hotel
We had dinner at Ruth Chris Steak house. It was so yummy!

5yr Anniversary in the South Pacific

We stayed in the Anniverary Inn in SLC for our anniversary. We had a hut on the beach and a waterfall for a shower/tub. It was very relaxing !! the Beach

We spent some time with our family at the beach in Bodega. We found a few sea creatures. We got a little sun burnt

A few pic's of the English Graingers. My have they grown up. Dalton will be joining us in America for the School year. He arrives on Aug 22....

Aug 2008-Summertime

Playing Squalupie in our backyard with friends. Ask AShley she'll teach you how to play. Guaranteed best party game of the year!